Placeholder Shortcodes


Placeholders are the fastest way to fill up your content with dummy data. If you don’t have final images, videos etc. this can be very helpful to just mark what kind of data and where it should be placed later.



Link, Image & Video


[placeholder size=”g1_one_third” icon=”link”]



[placeholder size=”g1_one_third” icon=”picture”]



[placeholder size=”g1_one_third” icon=”film”]


[toggle title=”Get The Code” icon=”file-alt” style=”simple”]


[placeholder size=”g1_one_third” icon=”link”]

[placeholder size=”g1_one_third” icon=”picture”]

[placeholder size=”g1_one_third” icon=”film”]



Here Goes Only Video

[placeholder size=”g1_max” icon=”film”]

[toggle title=”Get The Code” icon=”file-alt” style=”simple”]


[placeholder size=”g1_max” icon=”film”]




[icon name=”lightbulb” size=”medium” style=”solid” shape=”circle”]

Shortcode documentation

[placeholder doc=”true”]

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